Sep 11, 2009

Ideas worth spreading

We've spent alot of time recently (exhausting our 5GB per month datacap) looking at seminars from TED, an invitation only conference that puts the presentations online for free.

From "five dangerous things for kids" to "why we do what we do" and "social innovation", these seminars make for excellent and thought provoking viewing.

Miss5 has even sat through a 'magic' presentation, wanting to watch it multiple times.

Now to watch a presentation about wireless electricity.

Please don't


Curator-artist Wendy Grace Allen said...

Weird, I've been looking at TED stuff the last few days ;)

Anonymous said...

Am I being school-educated, or did that post end mid-sentence?

Anonymous said...

I was just saying that there was no need to follow the jump.

We altered our blogger template so we can put an intro on the main page but unfortunately it shows up for every post.

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