Apr 13, 2008

Play fort!

We have decided to purchase this kitset play fort for our family. Merl's Grandma very generously gave us some money at Christmas for just such a purchase and it has taken us this long to seriously get around to deciding on something.

This will fit really nicely in our 'tree bit' of the garden - in where we took out a big self-sown sycamore last year. So it will be like a safe treehouse - since none of our trees are very suitable for actually putting a treehouse into.

I'm just waiting to hear back from the sales guy. Hopefully it will be in place in the next month or two!


rochelle said...

ooh fun! But I can't believe you rate Little Women ahead of AOGG!!

home handymum said...

I think because we didn't own the whole AOGG series. I first came across Anne as the tv series (which I loved). We had Little Women first, so I read it more often.

Anne is still in my top 3 :) Along with A Girl of the Limberlost, by Gene Stratton Porter.

It's funny, but I always end up thinking of you when I think of Ann of Green Gables :) I think flatting with you was the first time I ever read the whole series through.

rochelle said...

heheh glad I left a lasting impact :) =

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